Osho Meditation in Adelaide

Meditation is always confused with concentration. Concentration is focusing on something, but meditation is being aware, being aware of surroundings, being aware of thoughts, being aware of body. It is sheer awareness. Also, often meditation is confused with the meditation technique. Meditation techniques help to attain the state of meditation.

Osho has gifted us more than 112 methods of Meditation. Most of the meditation techniques are active. Active meditations are a key feature of Osho’s work and he encourages us to let go both in the body, unlocking the sometimes frozen body we carry and to let go of  feelings such anger and anxiety. After throwing the negative out, one can easily sit silently and meditate. Your Meditation can be deeper using active techniques. Sitting watching without any distraction is the essence of meditation.

Active Meditations are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind, so that it is then easier to experience stillness and thought-free relaxation in daily life.

We run meditations every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as per following timings.

Thursday      6.00pm Kundalini or Nadabrahma

Friday             6.00pm Kundalini or Nadabrahma or No Dimensions

Saturday         9am Dynamic

Sunday           9 am Dynamic / Nadabrahma

Contribution $3 per session

If you are in Adelaide and looking to meditate then drop in just before these starting times to facilitate teaching and allow yourself time to arrive. Meditation in Adelaide has never been so easy, one hour with music, each of these Meditations has set Stages and the whole thing ends with a Gong

Please click here to find out the contact details.

*OSHO is registered trademark of Osho International Foundation (OIF)

Meditate & Celebrate-Adelaide

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